Lab-grown Gemstones

What are lab grown gemstones?

Lab-grown gemstones are the stunning, ethical and affordable alternative to earth-mined gems. By recreating the earth’s natural process in a controlled lab environment, we are able to create RubiesEmeraldsAlexandrites, and Sapphires that are higher quality and more beautiful than most earth-mined equivalents. With a lab gemstone gemstone, you get a show stopping centerstone without having to worry about negatively affecting the environment or humanity.

Creation Process

 Lab-grown gemstones are made in controlled environments using processes that mimic natural formation, resulting in identical physical and chemical properties to natural stones.

Ethical & Sustainable

They are considered a more ethical and environmentally friendly choice, as they don’t involve mining.


Lab-grown gemstones are generally less expensive than natural gems, allowing for more options within a budget.